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Forums: Index > Wade's Room > Crystal (replywatch)

Hair Color[]

Her hair color is not really brown but more of a burgundy shade.

-('s comments moved here by User:Mknopp)

"Burgundy" is one of those shades of hair-dyes between brunette and auburn, edging closer to the latter. Even at that, will differ slightly brand to brand. It is a label important mainly to hair stylists which the average joe and joette would not use, not even the buyer of the hair-dye except when time to repurchase. And in real life, lighting conditions, especially in or out of the sun, will affect how it is seen. Personally I'm satisfied to call it a brunette, but could just as easily live with it as auburn. Thing is, no one would walk past her if looking for "the brunette over there".

Love Robin (talk) 14:36, April 25, 2013 (UTC)
