Kim Possible Movie: So The Drama is the second feature-length animated movie of Kim Possible, following A Sitch in Time from 2003. Originally aired in 2005, this was intended to be the series finale until the show was renewed for a fourth season.
On the eve of Kim's Junior Prom, Dr. Drakken begins his first truly serious attempt to conquer the world while trying to find Kim's weakness. When a mysterious new teen named Eric comes between Kim and Ron's relationship, they are forced to at long last examine their true feelings for each other and the nature of their relationship.
DVD release[]
- Sold in May 2005 as Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama: The Top-Secret Extended Edition.
- The "extended" portion is a new scene of Kim, Ron, and Rufus swimming underwater to the club.
- A line was changed from "You think there'll be a long line?" to "You think they're trying to keep us out?" to match the new scene.
- After the scene where Kim and Ron kiss, a line in the end credits song, Could It Be, was changed from "'Cause today is the start of the rest of our lives" to "It's kind of funny, you were always near".
- For the Region 2 market (Germany, France, etc.), So the Drama appears to have been released as Kim Possible: The Movie: Invasion of the Robots (ASIN# B0037VZPFO).
DVD contents[]
- Movie in widescreen format
- Bonus features
- Deleted scenes
- Music & More:
- Could It Be music video by Christy Carlson Romano
- Get Your Shine On music video by Jesse McCartney
- Bonus episode: "Gorilla Fist" in widescreen format
- Sneak Peeks for The Villain Files and several Disney movies and TV series
- Languages: English, captioning for English