Port Mystic Cove Haven is a historical-re-enactment or Amish style town[1].
Port Mystic Cove Haven is a village without the infrastructure and other advances of modern day life or technology. Its buildings and its inhabitants hearken back to the Puritan way of life that was common in the USA a few hundred years ago.
The town's central square includes a human-shaped cage for imprisonment of criminals and is a place where witch trials occur. There is also what appears to be a church behind in the central square.
Professions in the village include blacksmiths, butter-churning, agricultural work, water collection and delivery among other simpler old-world work. The primary means of transport is by horse and buggy.
Episode Appearances[]
- It is likely that Port Mystic Cove Haven is largely influenced by the Amish.
- The episode in which this location features, along with all the pirate lore and content was intended to promote the newly opened Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World. [Currently searching for original source for this]